Anyone near me might have heard me talking to myself as I read She's Got Issues: Seriously Good News for Stressed-Out, Secretly Scared Control Freaks Like Us
by Nicole Unice. There was so much in there that I could relate to in this book. I have dealt with and sometimes I still deal with control, insecurity, comparison, fear, anger and unforgiveness.
Here are some quotes that I had to write down in my journal:
The author gave a great visual on the need for taking a mental space bar. She showed us words without any space. The words lost their meaning without a space between words. In the same way, our life needs to have space so it can make sense. Our lives can lose its meaning without taking a pause. At the end of each chapter, she has a space bar moment for us to reflect on what we read with a prayer, a journal exercise and group discussion questions.
I was reminded of a few things as I read this book. I should put my anchor in God and not in temporary things like my appearance or achievements. At all costs, I need to avoid the comparison trap because it hinders my life with Christ. If I compare myself to others then I am not content with what God has given me. I will start to resent my life. Anger is a powerful emotion and I need to handle it carefully to avoid harming others with my words or actions. I have much to "chew" on and prayerfully consider what to do now.
This is a good read for any woman. If you combine it with the DVD group experience you can grow with other women to find your strength in Christ.
The book and DVD was given to me for free from the Tyndale Blog Network. All opinions expressed are my own.
Here are some quotes that I had to write down in my journal:
"The ability to see yourself clearly is crucial in your relationship with Christ and in your subsequent ability to serve well."
"To follow Jesus is to agree to change. That's the cost required of us."
"What if we began to think of our insecurities not as shameful places to hide but as opportunities to see God working in our lives?"
"There's nothing like comparison to keep us distracted from our own gifts."
The author gave a great visual on the need for taking a mental space bar. She showed us words without any space. The words lost their meaning without a space between words. In the same way, our life needs to have space so it can make sense. Our lives can lose its meaning without taking a pause. At the end of each chapter, she has a space bar moment for us to reflect on what we read with a prayer, a journal exercise and group discussion questions.
I was reminded of a few things as I read this book. I should put my anchor in God and not in temporary things like my appearance or achievements. At all costs, I need to avoid the comparison trap because it hinders my life with Christ. If I compare myself to others then I am not content with what God has given me. I will start to resent my life. Anger is a powerful emotion and I need to handle it carefully to avoid harming others with my words or actions. I have much to "chew" on and prayerfully consider what to do now.
This is a good read for any woman. If you combine it with the DVD group experience you can grow with other women to find your strength in Christ.
The book and DVD was given to me for free from the Tyndale Blog Network. All opinions expressed are my own.